Web Design

This is an introduction to VRB website design. To find out about our full-service web design service, click here.

Most people think web design starts with a web designer. It starts with the collaborative strategies of the client and the web consultant, to ensure the site actually does what it is supposed to. We call traditional web design “Interface Design”, which as you will see, is not the first step at all!

Creating the actual website (or website design as some would call it) is not the first task in the required steps to get your business online effectively. Your website is much more than a simple information resource as it can provide strategic data vital to your competitive advantage. It can facilitate communications, assist your daily operations, and even influence strategic direction in some enterprises. We need to ensure that your online presence is properly thought-out, planned, and measured for benefit before exercising the creativity of our designers!

Deciding what your site is required to do, how it will be measured, what effect it has on departments, and how to achieve the most from what the Internet offers is the role of Strategic Web Design (SWD). We see SWD as the most important part of the process as it decides the goals and success of your online integration.

Strategies For “Web Design” Include:

  • Advertising / Promotion / Marketing
  • Sales
  • CSI Data (Customer Service Indexing)
  • Stock-driven marketing & sales activity
  • Communication Portals
  • RSS Feed-based Inventory / News Data
  • Internal Communication systems
View Full Service Web Design

Even if you are just considering a basic Web presence, drop us a line with your thoughts and we will endeavour to help you with the process. Remember, a properly planned resource will return far more benefits than an “ad-hoc” design with little focus. We have many clients who started with basic sites many years ago and have grown to include many other systems. Even the simplest site should be designed to cope with success and growth!


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155-2 King Street West

Unit #340

Hamilton, Ontario

L8P 4S0