Full Service Web Design

Our full-service web design (which often incorporates our web applications and systems) makes up the majority of our business. It simply means we take your requirement from inception to deployment and beyond, ensuring all the required elements to make it all work are addressed. Consider this a one-stop shop for a solution rather than a design – beginning to end.

Full-service web design consists of the following elements:

  • Consultation to establish all goals
  • Proposal with costs for meeting goals & future-proofing
  • Application of applicable tech/coding for server and developer selection
  • Design proofing to meet all proposal requirements
  • “Locking” of design and strategic/operational elements of the site
  • Copywriting / editing (making sure what you are saying properly fits the Internet best practice models)
  • Social / SEO (Search Engine Marketing) elements.
  • Coding/building (turning graphics into a working site)
  • Review
  • Installation and launch
  • Monitoring and short-term revisions
  • Long-term monitoring and maintenance.

As you can see, it is a logical, well-practiced process and is essentially an exercise in project management. We have created many sites in multiple sectors in several countries including Canada, Mexico, the USA, and UK. We find this process works best but changes from requirement to requirement – everyone has their own special needs and it is our job to meet and exceed them.


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155-2 King Street West

Unit #340

Hamilton, Ontario

L8P 4S0