We specialize in small and medium-sized business data from spreadsheets and textual sources. For complex database migrations and large-scale administration, there are many providers but the regular guy on the street is often forgotten and that’s our market.
Basically, you need data migration if you have a lot of data on a spreadsheet, basic database, existing system, or even on paper in order to use it on the Internet. So why, you ask, would I want to use data on the Internet?
Your data, especially inventory, is often not shared for sales purposes. Here you are, with a wonderful array of items sitting on an XLS spreadsheet that only you can access. Perhaps you would like the on-demand user, basically everyone in today’s climate, to access your inventory also. You can add tremendous value with on-demand information, choice, and clever marketing so – why not?
You may have data for statistical analysis, customer data for prospecting, sales data for re-ordering, or any level of “data-knowledge” you are not currently using. We can look into ways to leverage your data, build value, and power your business.
If you have an idea that your data is useful, or even just want to find out if it could be, drop us a line.