
We often compare a great website to a catalogue brochure. It’s beautiful and has lots of sales value, but if nobody sees it – if it’s in a drawer – it’s no use. Web services are those necessary elements of running a website or web-based system. They range from well-known elements like maintenance, email and hosting to monitoring up-time, security and social integration.

VRB provides hosting through trusted partners as well as all elements of running and maintaining a website. We specialize in a more premium service able to incorporate databases, security, email as well as other elements we offer like monitoring.

Services such as web maintenance and online marketing through SEO and PPC are daily tasks for us and existing client work always has priority.

We are not focused as many are on selling stand-alone services for hosting and email, although we do for some clients. We provide these services primarily to remain a one-stop resource from beginning to end for any solution. We are integrated throughout the supply chain for web development or have preferred providers who handle these requirements.


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155-2 King Street West

Unit #340

Hamilton, Ontario

L8P 4S0