A “web application” is a web-based productivity system. In other words, it is a website that performs functions like stock/inventory management, customer and/or order management, communication (internal or external) or any other function a business may need. It may be linked to a traditional “front-end” (customer) site or not. Web apps run in the browser and are essentially web-based software programs.

Custom B2B ordering (non e-com) system for managing online memo-type orders and providing custom catalogue features for browsing & favouriting.
Whilst many businesses use pre-built systems (like WordPress CRM, POS systems etc.), these do not always allow for the exact functions required. Simply put, sometimes you do have to reinvent the wheel.
We design, install and manage custom systems for businesses that can not find a pre-existing (cookie-cutter) solution to their needs. This happens more than you may think.
A provider of used goods bought a consignment of 4,500 items. They were provided with basic spreadsheets on these items. This data was not sufficient to sell or display the items online or populate a traditional inventory control system.
VRB designed a system to use and administer the data provided in such a way as to allow linking the items on their existing website as well as providing functions like tracking for items, sales and sales process metrics – all in one system. The admin system design was specifically for phones and tablets to allow mobile inventory ID and logging.
Custom online inventory manager from third-party data and using mobile format for multi-location admin. Synchronized to website for real-time sales offers.
There are many times when exactly what you need is not available or ties you to a provider in a way that can be extremely difficult to exit. VRB specializes in providing you the exact function you need whilst keeping the data ownership and resource control with YOUR company.
A jewellery store wanted to run a highly specialized auction on items directly tied to their existing POS (point of sale and inventory system). VRB was able to connect the POS, provide a highly customized design as well as build a real-time auction system to the exact specs. the client needed. This solution was simply not available in any pre-existing form and had to be custom built.
A fraction of a screen which manages bid logic, synchronizes with a third-party POS and administers CMS for a website. Complex requirements require custom solutions.