Coding is one part of web designing. Coding is the action of taking a graphical output (what the screen needs to show) and making it happen in a browser. This can consist of several code types, depending on what is needed to make everything work.

An example of this service is a client who has graphic design done, knows exactly what text is to go where, has graphic assets (images) ready to go and simply needs their many “pieces” turned into a website.

Depending on the requirement, we can code in

  • HTMP/PHP (both ways to custom program website output)
  • MySQL (a database system allowing for the storing, processing and retrieval of data)
  • WordPress (a CMS or Content Management System – a way of programming a site to allow the user to make changes)
  • XML/RSS (a language providing for the easy sharing of information between sites and other assets like apps)
  • Plug-Ins (often used with WordPress, plug-ins are mini-programs to provide for a task which may need to be installed in other places also)
  • Google Maps, third-party apps (there are so many it is impossible to list, but we can work with several systems and integrations).

Again, this is a more advanced option for the client having advanced knowledge of the web design strategic process and graphic design. Of course, should you require these services also, we are delighted to provide a full-service option.


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155-2 King Street West

Unit #340

Hamilton, Ontario

L8P 4S0